Dears, Sunday September 26th I"ll be part of a FREE open house where you can sample from each of four fall offerings through the Deep Play Institute. Mine is CONTACT (more of less," described below. But all four will be rich, varied, spicy, vulnerable, and nourishing.
Imagine for a second that you’re in a mosh pit or on a crowded subway – does this exhilarate you? Gross you out? Do you miss it or do you secretly dread the “return to normal” (whatever that is, whenever that may be?) Or perhaps it’s all of that – a swirl of desire and anxiety with contact is perhaps a defining feature of the mammalian class. So much focus on the distance between our bodies has left what happens WITHIN the “six foot life preserver” neglected. CONTACT (more or less) is an experiment and an exploration of contact--wanting more, wanting less, and playing with what’s actually already here in our own breathable bubbles. This playful, immersive, and also restful workshop will accompany participants through embodied awareness practices, contact improvisation scores for beginners, and experiments with social space as it intersects with the imagination, on a mercurial quest to reclaim our very own kind of contact with the life that is already here. The 6 weeks of discovery are organized a bit like nesting bowls. We’ll start with the most granular of questions and move out to more subtle and spacious ones, each layer containing and holding the prior ones and building towards a big state of wonder about what it means to share ourselves with one another – our weight, our momentum, and our moment – across the vastness that now connects us. Week One: How round is the earth--in your experience? Week Two: Rebound/bouncy boundaries: where do you end and I begin? Week Three: Introversion Inversion: What’s wrong with being shy?? Week Four: Inner volumes and Outer Space/Alien intelligence? Week Five: Languid Language in the Chaise Lounge Week Six: Adult Swim: Advancing a constant operative of discovery DATES: October 16, 23, 30, Nov 6 & 13 (6 Sessions) TIME: Saturdays 3-4:30pm EST LOCATION: Zoom MAX CAPACITY: 20 Participants TUITION: $350 Early Bird Registration before Sept 27 (please contact us for sliding scale tuition options) Image Credit: Jeri B. Ledbetter, "BLANCHE, mixed media, 2021". REGISTER
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September 2021