Alastair Humphreys is an adventurer who has traveled the globe but recently confronted the adventure of bringing his mentality of risk-taking and exploration into a smaller scale. I'm charmed... he has people all over the world venturing out in the time zone between "5 and 9," and the only rule is, you gotta sleep outside. Adventure, indeed, is beckoning from all around us, from our very lives. Working stiffs like you and me are hiking out to their backyards and spotting owls, or taking the long way to their neighbor's house through the thicket, or what was once a thicket and is now a 24/7 shop, a parking lot, and a patch of daffodils.
I bring him up because he is commenting richly on the question of 'scale,' 'scope,' 'range'.... I find that at times, a narrower loop, a smaller room at the hostel, a 25 page versus 300 page journal... can bring out the mightiest in me and in others. How can we travel inside the adventure of our lives? With my meat space nest now a mile and a third away from my current habitat, I feel a bunch of slack in the line, and I'm yearning for a snugger fit. I am practicing but loose. The air around me lacks a certain compactness and viscosity. I am also bending the rules to the point of breaking. It's fodder if I let it be; if I choose to use it that way.
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September 2021